Developer Questions
Is any XUMM SDK for unity3d?
Is any XUMM SDK for unity3d?
Can we connect XUMM Wallet with unity 3d
How to add other asset(currency) than XRP in custom network(
I want to add other asset than XRP like XGBL to XUMM wallet to test the minting functionality. External Sites does not allow these addresses since its custom and is testnet. How can I add any other asset?
"Unable to verify payload signature" on some Android phones only.
So we have this weird saying "Unable to verify payload signature" only in some Android phones. My colleague has 'infinix X655C" Android phone with Android version 10. It keeps throwing this error when he tries to sign the transaction(works for login through). But if I try to sign the same transaction by importing the same account in my Android or IOS it works. So don't know what exactly is going on here?
Error: Payload encoding error: Invalid type to construct an Amount
The payload creation for this json throws "Invalid type to construct an Amount" error. What is the format for Amount?
How do we detect if the account was signed through a test/dev/main net?
So TransactionType: 'SignIn' is only a XUMM transaction, but there are some sites like Sologenic, XrpToolkit that detects if the account is a tes account and says its not activated. So how do we detect that the account is not activated when user tries to sign through a testnet or devnet or even through main net?
temDisabled: Tha transaction requires a logic that is currently disabled. TransactionType: "NFTokenMint"
I guess since NFTokenMint is disabled in mainnet, its throwing this error. But I am using a test account in testnet, so it should have worked> Or is it supposed to work only on NFT-Devnet. if yes than importing NFT-Devnet account from in XUMM does not import the 10,000 XRP.
Sign in with Xumm
What would be the best approach to getting users to log in using Xumm? E.g., and its "connect wallet" feature.