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Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'crypto-js' at n (xumm-sdk.min.js:1:155)

The module 'crypto-js' is installed in node_modules but no matter what I've tried for about a month and a half now trying to generate escrow condition and fulfillment always references xumm-sdk throwing Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'crypto-js' at n (xumm-sdk.min.js:1:155) when running:


Error: Payload encoding error: Invalid type to construct an Amount

The payload creation for this json throws "Invalid type to construct an Amount" error. What is the format for Amount?


Connecting to the SDK from Unity

Hi there


Creating a token in testnet v2 (XLS 20)

I tried to create my own token to test with the NFT web app that we are building. But every time I go to token creator app, it throws

How can we send payment transaction using Xumm wallet?

To do like the above issue, I think that we should use createAndSubscribe api as follows:


If i install package xumm-xapp-sdk for next js project getting local storage error.

I'm implemeting xapp using next js application. In that i'm trying to consume xapp sdk to open browser from my xapp. If i install and use xumm-xapp-sdk i'm getting local storage not found error. If i use script url not getting any error (). But i wanted to use xumm-xapp-sdk by installing package. Could you please help me on this why i'm getting local storage error and how to resolve it.


Is there any other wallet like Xumm

I struggle to find a wallet like xumm or other for performing transactions + minting NFTS for the XRP web app. I'm creating a web app like sologenic but I don't want to use D'cent ledger or else



Can we connect XUMM Wallet with unity 3d