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If i install package xumm-xapp-sdk for next js project getting local storage error.

I'm implemeting xapp using next js application. In that i'm trying to consume xapp sdk to open browser from my xapp. If i install and use xumm-xapp-sdk i'm getting local storage not found error. If i use script url not getting any error (<script src=""></script>). But i wanted to use xumm-xapp-sdk by installing package. Could you please help me on this why i'm getting local storage error and how to resolve it.

Connecting to the SDK from Unity

Hi there Do you have any samples of authenticating and sending payloads from Unity engine?

Is there any other wallet like Xumm

I struggle to find a wallet like xumm or other for performing transactions + minting NFTS for the XRP web app. I'm creating a web app like sologenic but I don't want to use D'cent ledger or else

How can i receive wallet address in xapp.

I want to receive wallet address of xapp user while using my custom xapp. How to do this. Please help on this.

Connecting XUMM as an OpenID Connect provider on AWS Cognito

I'm trying to use xumm as an OpenID connect provider using AWS cognito. I’m hoping someone can provide some guidance on my integration I think my integration is 90% of the way there but am getting this error when attempting to grant the authorizationCode: invalid_token_signature: Could not match the desired key identifier within the list of keys at OAuth. The flow to get there: User clicks Sign in → this triggers Auth.federatedSignIn({customProvider:’xumm’”) → the page gets redirected to → Signs the transaction using Xumm → redirects back…. Etc → Amazon cognito then tries to grant a token with the authorization code and fails to do so with the above error. Using Cognito, I set up a userpool, created a identity provider using OpenID Connect. In the Identity provider config, I provided the ClientID and Secret, Attributes request method set to GET, openid as the authorize scope and provided as the issuer. After I set up the identity provider, I configured an appClient with the identity provider in the previous step with the call back URL set to http://localhost:3000. I also enabled Authorization code grant and implicit grant as the allowed ‘Oauth Flows’ and set openid as the “Allowed OAuth Scopes” In the federated identities dashboard, I have configured an identity pool. Under the OpenId section I have enabled an authentication provider with as the domain and the Arn pointing to an IAM which is connected to an audience set as my XUMM api key with a valid thumbprint. In the application (react app), I configure aws-amplify with the following information: { "aws_project_region": "my-aws-region", "aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "my-aws-region:identity-pool-id-from-federatedIdentities", “Aws_cognito_region”:”my-aws-region”, "aws_user_pools_id": "my-aws-region_USERPOOLID", "aws_user_pools_web_client_id": "AppClientIdConnectedWithIdentityProvider", “oauth”:{ “domain”: "", “scope”:[“openid”], “redirectSignIn”:”http://localhost:3000”, “redirectSignOut”:”http://localhost:3000” “responseType”:”code” } } Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Error: Unable to get network fee

When signing a transfer request in an app (currently in beta, using the nft-devnet), I get a popup saying: Error Unable to get network fee, please make sure you are connected to the XRPL node. Any idea what might be going on? I'm omitting the transfer fee from the tx record, as suggested in the docs: My transaction looks like this: const request: XummPostPayloadBodyJson = { txjson: { TransactionType: 'Payment', Destination: walletAddress Amount: `${amount * 1000000}` // 1,000,000 drops in 1 xrp }, options: { return_url: { app: returnUrl, web: returnUrl } } };

How do we detect if the account was signed through a test/dev/main net?

So TransactionType: 'SignIn' is only a XUMM transaction, but there are some sites like Sologenic, XrpToolkit that detects if the account is a tes account and says its not activated. So how do we detect that the account is not activated when user tries to sign through a testnet or devnet or even through main net?

UI workflow while waiting for the wallet user to scan the QR code

I'm working on something like an NFT marketplace. Say a user with Xumm wallet is on an NFT buy page. They click Buy Now and my backend shoots a request to Xumm API and get the below. { uuid: '77f7cde5-54a0-405b-afa6-864f1464693b', next: { always: '', no_push_msg_received: '' }, refs: { qr_png: '', qr_matrix: '', qr_uri_quality_opts: [ 'm', 'q', 'h' ], websocket_status: 'wss://' }, pushed: true } So, my site will pop-up the QR code at and wait for the user to sign using their wallet. But how should I listen to know when the user has signed the request? Should my frontend listen to the websocket at wss:// Or is there a better way?