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Master key disabled

How to enabled it

Simplest way to retrieve a wallet address?

Hi all,

Token Logo

I need to set up the token logo on xumm.

New API error-> EscrowFinish: tecNO_PERMISSION

On my website I'm able to sign in and make payments with my Xaman API, however recently I am only able to complete EscrowCreate so that all the pop-ups seem the same until signing the EscrowFinish transaction throws:
Code: tecNO_TARGET Target account does not exist.

Issue with CreateAMM transaction

I am trying to create and sign CreateAMM transaction but keeps get this error:

Xaman website integration (USING NODEJS BACKEND, express)

Hi there, I am just trying a proof of concept which requires me to integrate the Xaman wallet to my website. I have been able to integrate it using the front end code provided in the Xaman documentation to connect the wallet, and make a secure payment using the backend code provided also in the documentation. These actions were performed separately, not in conjunction with each other.

am i rate limited potentially?

Property Value
Call moment 2024-12-08T23:20:43.000Z
HTTP method POST
HTTP content type application/json
Client user agent xumm-sdk/node (oauth2) node-fetch
Called API endpoint /v1/platform/payload
HTTP response code 400
Internal error code 429
Error (detail) message Max payloads of 78 exceeded
Call reference ID *1 fd59822c-c3dd-4ccc-bc03-376cb76d9cde

How to construct oauth2 URL to open Xaman UI at specific Account and Network (XRPL instead of Xahau)?

Issue Description:

Application description

Hello, can i somehow make the Application description flexible ? like if i make a TL payload, a payment etc ? So i would adjust the Application description based on the type and usage ? Or do i need a different application for every case ive got ?