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Seeking guidance on creating xumm payload with nft-metadata

Hey, community members, I need help on creating xumm payload with nft-metadata. Here is the payload I'm currently using for minting: payload_data = { ``` form = NFTForm(request.POST, request.FILES, initial={ 'xrpl_data': xrpl_data_json}) print(form) if form.is_valid(): title = form.cleaned_data['title'] description = form.cleaned_data['description'] image = form.cleaned_data['image'] payload_data = { "txjson": { "TransactionType": "NFTokenMint", "Account": publicAddress, "URI": ipfs_cid, "Flags": 8, "TransferFee": 10, "NFTokenTaxon": 0 }, "options": { "return_url": { "web": "" } }, "metadata": { "name": title, "description": description } } ``` So, please let me know if there is any alternate way to handle the metadata or if is there any standard format for payload_data to include the metadata for the MintNFToken transaction.

Seeking Guidance on NFT Minting with XUMM - Any Advice?

Hello fellow forum members, I'm a python/django developer, looking for assistance in creating NFTs using XUMM. I'm interested in the entire process, from minting to listing these non-fungible tokens on the blockchain(XRPL). Any kind of code snippit you can provide will be greatly appreciated! Could someone kindly provide a step-by-step guide or offer any tips, resources, or recommendations to help me get started with this exciting venture? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

getting this error var Keypair = ripple_keypairs_1.default.deriveKeypair(familyseed); ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'deriveKeypair')

``` if (process.argv.length < 3) { console.log('usage: node dist/index <secret_type> <secret> <destination> <amount>'); console.log ("secret type\n1. family\n2. Mnemonic\n\n") process.exit(1); } import { XrplClient } from "xrpl-client"; import { utils, derive, sign } from "xrpl-accountlib"; const cilent = new XrplClient('wss://'); const main = async () => { let account: any; if (isNaN(Number(process.argv[5]))){ console.log('Invalid amount'); process.exit(1); } if (process.argv[2] !== "1" && process.argv[2] !== "2") { console.log('\nPlease enter appropriate secret type from the selection\n'); process.exit(1); } if (!utils.isValidAddress(process.argv[4])) { console.log('Invalid destination address'); process.exit(1); } if (process.argv[2] === "1"){ if (!utils.isValidSeed(process.argv[3])) { console.log('Invalid family seed'); process.exit(1); } account = derive.familySeed(process.argv[3]); } if (process.argv[2] === "2" ) { if (!utils.isValidMnemnic(process.argv[3])) { console.log('Invalid Mnemonic'); process.exit(1); } account = derive.mnemonic(process.argv[3]); } console.log(process.argv[3]) const data = await cilent.send({ id :1, command: 'account_info', account: account.address, strict: true, }); /*console.log(data);*/ if (data.error){ console.log ("Error: ", data.error_message); process.exit(1); } console.log("Balance: ", Number(data.account_data.Balance) / 1000000); if ( Number(data.account_data.Balance) / 1000000 <= Number(process.argv[5]) +10 ) { console.log("Not enough balance"); process.exit(1); } const { id, signedTransaction } = sign( { TransactionType: 'Payment', account: account.address, Destination: process.argv[4], Amount: String(Number(process.argv[5]) * 1000000), Sequence: data.account_data.Sequence, Fee: String(12), }, account); console.log(id); console.log(signedTransaction); /* if (data.error){ console.log ("Error: ", data.error_message); process.exit(1); } console.log("LedgerEntryType: ", data.result.account_data?.LedgerEntryType); console.log("Balance: ", data.result.account_data.Balance / 1000000, "XRP"); console.log("OwnerCount: ", data.result.account_data?.OwnerCount); console.log("Sequence: ", data.result.account_data?.Sequence); console.log("Current Ledger Index: ", data?.ledger_current_index); */ }; main(); ``` this is the full script

Need Help with XUMM User Authentication in Python/Django Application

Hello XUMM Developer Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on implementing user authentication in my Python/Django application using XUMM. I have made progress up to the point where users can successfully sign in by scanning a barcode. ![]( However, I am encountering an issue where the user cannot be redirected to my website upon successful sign-in. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. If you have any experience or insights into how to properly handle the redirection after a successful sign-in using XUMM in a Django application, I would be very grateful for your guidance. Any advice, code snippets, or best practices you can share would be incredibly valuable to me and my project. Thank you in advance for your help and support. I look forward to hearing from you and learning from your expertise. Best regards, Varun Kumar

Error connecting to Ripple API: Error: Error code 603, see XUMM Dev Console

Hi, I am trying to submit a payload request and getting error code 603. I am having trouble finding any documentation relating to the error codes. Can someone please help with what can cause this error code?

QR Scan Process

Hi , I have create backend apis for xumm signin and payment which i am doing using payload and in case of mobile app its working fine. now i have webgl app which is using same api but in that case return url is not working because when user redirect to deeplink and user scan from mobile after scane it redirect back in mobile browser , i want to keep user desktop browser close the current process and redirect back in my webgl appp. Please guide me this

Can I connect xrpl-txdata to TESTNET

while testing can I connect xrpl-txdata to the testnet I tried const Verify = new TxData(['wss://']) and got MAX_LOOKUP_TIME_REACHED: Max. lookup time (for all endpoints) reached without receiving a valid response

Xumm Developer Education Center, Tutorial 24, minute 10:49 code gives an error.

Hi! I hope you are well, thanks for this support section! I'm Enigma Ridworld and I'm following the tutorial but: At Tutorial 24, minute 10:49, the output instead of showing the flags names (flagnames) it gives me this error: Object.keys(Flags[objectType]).forEach((flag) => { ^ TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object Help! Tutorial 24: <> The testnet account which has 2 flags set was activated today at the time I was watching the tutorial, it's active, it's the following one: <> Satish's code and my copy of his code (they look identical) gives through all the video the same results in all the steps Satish do, excpet this last one step. Can you help me? Thank you very much in advance! Enigma Ridworld

SwiftUI to XUMM direct deeplink

Hi All, I am authenticating first via OAUTH2 to avoid using the API secret to login to my custom application. However I am a bit lost as to how to avoid the app to first call the JWT URL which a URL page which contains the text open in XUMM and instead navigate directly to the XUMM application from my swift application. I have seen that you can share a payment link in whatsapp with the XRP address and amount[]( Similarly are there available deeplinks to call the signin application or a list of such deeplinks which can be used?

Suddenly I keep getting this error from my login payload

Request failed with error: MAX_LOOKUP_TIME_REACHED: Max. lookup time (for all endpoints) reached without receiving a valid response. payload: { "submit": false, "txjson": { "TransactionType": "SignIn" }, "options": { "expire": 1 } } Any idea why this happens?