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Xumm app account api balance

Is there any api endpoint of getting the Xumm app wallet balance?.

Error: access_denied

Hey, I've read the docs and all I can find on this error. I am currently using your test code to make sure there was no other issues and I still get the the error. I am currently running on localhost:5173. I have whitelisted `https://localhost:5173`. It's a single page react app copy and paste of your tester code with my api key. I see in the full path was mentioned. It has no / path. Is `https://localhost:5173` the full path? I don't understand what I'm getting wrong here I've had it working from backend using SDK with key and secret, but I am trying to implement from a front end application.

Creating a token in testnet v2 (XLS 20)

I tried to create my own token to test with the NFT web app that we are building. But every time I go to token creator app, it throws ``` You opened the xApp with an account you don't have full access to. (Read only) Please close this xApp, navigate to the home screen and switch to the account you want to issue your token from. (Needs to have 'Full Access') Then open the xApp again. ``` But the account was seeded from "" with Full Access. So I am having a hard time to add and test the custom tokens. [Xumm Image](


Can we connect XUMM Wallet with unity 3d

Browserified frontend JWT getOTT not working

Hi, I'm trying to make a simple frontend page to make a payment using XUMM. I don't want any backend. I've found in the docs that there is a frontend only way to accomplish this, using JWT endpoints. See here: In Option #1: Use the XUMM SDK in your xApp frontend I've created an api key/secret at I created a page with the code to get OTT (I replaced the api key with my key): const {XummSdkJwt} = require('xumm-sdk') const Sdk = new XummSdkJwt('8525e32b-1bd0-4839-af2f-f794874a80b0') Sdk.getOttData().then(c => { console.log('OTT Data', c) => { console.log('Pong', c) }) }) I load the page, but there is no console log with "OTT Data", nor "Pong". So basically the code provided is wrong, or the SDK is buggy (or has changed and the example is not working anymore). Also the jsfiddle provided (I also updated the jsfiddle with my api key) in the page doesn't work. It tells to check the browser logs, but no logs appear. Help please.

Customize popup in XUMM

Is it possible to customize popup styles displaying on XUMM (Navigating to browser using xapp.openBrowser) ?

How to allow currency other than XRP through XUMM Wallet?

Hey there, So we have successfully integrated XUMM to create our first version of the NFT marketplace app. We only support XRP right now, but we would like to expand this to allow alternative XRPL-issued tokens like XGBL for example. But we can't seem to figure out how to do so. Let's say I have another 50 XGBL tokens in my wallet. How can I use that token instead of XRP while I buy NFT through a transaction performed by XUMM. Thanks for all the help!

EscrowCreate payload throws `ReferenceError: require is not defined at ... require('five-bells-condition')`

Greetings and Salutations, I am trying to adapt my HTML page to XUMM's SignIn and Payment payload to `EscrowCreate`by adding the following code from [Send a Conditionally-Held Escrow]( SignIn works and Payment works. However, following code throws `ReferenceError: require is not defined at document.getElementById.onclick (*refers to require('five-bells-condition') line*). Is it possible to use XUMM app to `EscrowCreate`? ``` document.getElementById('foobar').onclick = async () => { const { sdk } = await xumm.state() const cc = require('five-bells-condition') const crypto = require('crypto') const preimageData = crypto.randomBytes(32) const fulfillment = new cc.PreimageSha256() fulfillment.setPreimage(preimageData) const condition = fulfillment.getConditionBinary().toString('hex').toUpperCase() console.log('Condition:', condition) const fulfillment_hex = fulfillment.serializeBinary().toString('hex').toUpperCase() console.log('Fulfillment:', fulfillment_hex) const rippleOffset = 946684800 const cancelAfter = Math.floor( / 1000) + (60) - rippleOffset // cancel after 60 sec console.log(cancelAfter) const payload = await sdk.payload.create({ TransactionType: 'EscrowCreate', Destination: 'rXRPaddress...................................', Amount: String(3_000), Condition: 'condition', CancelAfter: 'cancelAfter', }) if (payload.pushed) { alert('Payload `' + payload.uuid + '` pushed to your phone.') } else { alert('Payload not pushed, opening payload...') } } ```

Xumm Developer Education Center, Tutorial 24, minute 10:49 code gives an error.

Hi! I hope you are well, thanks for this support section! I'm Enigma Ridworld and I'm following the tutorial but: At Tutorial 24, minute 10:49, the output instead of showing the flags names (flagnames) it gives me this error: Object.keys(Flags[objectType]).forEach((flag) => { ^ TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object Help! Tutorial 24: <> The testnet account which has 2 flags set was activated today at the time I was watching the tutorial, it's active, it's the following one: <> Satish's code and my copy of his code (they look identical) gives through all the video the same results in all the steps Satish do, excpet this last one step. Can you help me? Thank you very much in advance! Enigma Ridworld

Is any XUMM SDK for unity3d?

Is any XUMM SDK for unity3d?