Developer Questions

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Is any XUMM SDK for unity3d?

Is any XUMM SDK for unity3d?

trying to mint NFT using NFTokenMint

this is my payload const request: any = { txjson: { TransactionType: "NFTokenMint", Account: publicAddress, URI: "697066733A2F2F6261666B72656965696979727A613670706179687635716675366E6B636477646D377233366775666F366A796B64357A6C6D7A7735617467716479", Flags: 8, TransferFee: 10, NFTokenTaxon: 0, }, user_token: issued_user_token, }; const subscription = await Sdk.payload.createAndSubscribe( request, (event) => { console.log("New payload event:",; if ( === true) { return; } if ( === false) { return false; } } ); const resolveData: any = await subscription.resolved; if (resolveData.signed === false) { console.log("The sign request was rejected :("); } if (resolveData.signed === true) { console.log("Woohoo! The sign request was signed :)"); } the error im getting Error: Payload encoding error: checksum_invalid

What is the best way to send purchase transaction or NFT mint to XUMM wallet for XRPL NFT

Hi there XUMM devs, I'm new to XRPL and XUMM networks and I'm going to launch an NFT collection of 5000 arts on XRPL networks. Can you guys please point me in the right direction on how I can set up a XUMM wallet "Connet" on my minting website and how can I send transactions to buyers? I'm a solidity dev so this is new to me. All help will be appreciated. Thank you

Can xumm interact with sidechains ?

As xumm is developed for the xrpl, I am wondering if you could use the xumm sdk aswell for the federated side chains, so let’s Imagen there is a cbdc on a sidechain and I want the User to make a cross chain transaction, can we use the sdk for that ?

Hi im from XRPDomains -

Hello friends I'm from, I used the view NFTs function on Xumm wallet and found that currently URIs don't support non-ascii characters and emoji, it won't read it and says no name found. Hope you can help update it. can display it very well. URI: Thanks so much

Any idea why session cookies aren't being saved?

Hey there, We've been using session cookies to hold onto the wallet address, signing in with the xumm sdk. I'm not sure how long ago, but it seems the cookies are being dropped, and our session is coming back undefined. Any idea why that would be? Is this still the Xumm app repo? I looked at the WebView and couldn't find any reason it would drop the cookies: react-native-webview allows third party cookies by default. Thanks!

Regarding RPR Balance endpoint api?

This link ( ) gave me info about XRP. Is there any api endpoint for getting the RPR balance of Xumm wallet?

Query Xumm contact list.

Is there a way to get info related to which accounts are in the Xumm users address book?

how to BatchMint in XUMM

here is an example of how im using xrpl to batchminting nfts, 100+ nfts at once. how can i do the same with xumm without having the user to sign the tx 100 times. <> ```javascript const mintBatch = async (account,tickets) => { try { const mintedTxs = []; for (let i = 0; i < tickets.length; i++) { const transactionBlob = { TransactionType: "NFTokenMint", Account: account.classicAddress, URI: xrpl.convertStringToHex("some url" + i), Flags: parseInt("9"), TransferFee: 100, Sequence: 0, TicketSequence: tickets[i], LastLedgerSequence: null, NFTokenTaxon: 0, }; mintedTxs.push(client.submit(transactionBlob, { wallet: account })); } Promise.all(mintedTxs) .then(async (txs) => { console.log(txs); return "done!"; }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); ```

temDisabled: Tha transaction requires a logic that is currently disabled. TransactionType: "NFTokenMint"

I Struggle to mint an NFT and get this masseage. Any help please