Developer Questions

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Resolving account domain


Trustline location

Where can I find or set the trust line for my api account?

where is secret question?

Confused about the secret question do I define one or is there a preset question somewhere to be found

Generate an XRPL account

Hey guys,

Any way to get User Account in the Backend API ?

I am able to fetch the User token via Sign in Request and Webhook, How do i get access to users account in the backend ?

user_token, where to store it client or server side ?

Hello, after my user signed in and i fetch the payload i've got the user_token and wallet address. is it okay to store the user_token client side ? im wondering if a 3rd party if obtained the user_token could do some bad stuff with it like pushing malicious sign requests to the user ?

Can't connect react native app to xumm

I am making a react native app which has the simple functionality to send and receive xrp by connecting my app to the Xaman Wallet.
However I cant figure as to how can I connect my react native app to the xaman wallet. I tried registering my app on the developer console and added a redirect url. I then opened the same url through my app however every time the url opens I get an error, which is Error: access_denied Invalid client/redirect url. I have cross checked my api key and matched the url on the developer console with the one in my app. I have been stuck on this any kind of help or pointers will be appreciated.

xApp listing

Hi, my name is Pavlo and I am a CBDO at Swapuz team.

Xaman OAuth

Looking to connect Xaman’s API to using Bubble’s native API connector! Developing a front end connection to Xaman from my web app that allows users to sign in using their personal ledger accounts.

xApp Events on Android

I am currently testing a new xApp – Xumm Sdk v1.7.6 and Xaman App v2.6.
Opening a sign request works on both iOS and Android.
If I close it (sign or decline) iOS receives the event, Android does not.
The event handler is registered on both but only iOS receives the event.
When I manually check the payload status, it shows that it is updating properly on both operating systems.
Have you ever had something like this? Or do you have an idea what it could be?