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QR API not working: Cannot construct STArray from value given

Hello, I was getting custom qr-code (code shared below) depending upon the amount and avax_address but now I am getting the following errors: **library version: **"xumm-sdk": "^1.8.4" **Internal error code:** 603 **Error (detail) message Error:** Payload encoding error: Cannot construct STArray from value given **Causing error message:** Cannot construct STArray from value given ```Text ts BURN_ADDRESS = 'rhJYDuVMQxabTyiWuHQkQyDxr6uZEdpv5u' export const getQR = async (avax_address: string, amount: string) => { try { const hex_avax_address = Buffer.from(avax_address) .toString("hex") .toUpperCase(); const request = { TransactionType: "Payment", Destination: BURN_ADDRESS, Amount: { currency: 'MLD', value: amount, issuer: BURN_ADDRESS, }, Memos: [ { Memo: { MemoData: hex_avax_address, }, }, ], }; const payload = await Sdk.payload.create(request, true); return { link: payload?.next?.always, qr_code: payload?.refs?.qr_png, }; } catch (error) { console.log(error); return null; } }; ```

xApp not loading

I'm working on a simple xapp but I'm unable to load it in my device (in xumm). It works well when I load it in the browser. I am using this (<>) github repo for reference. xApp api key: 3fa32a38-2792-441d-a4d7-d6dcc6c8e6ce

Cached xumm's CDN of NFT Image URL which has "#" in image name is unhandled

Specific NFT: <> You can see image does not show in Xumm.

Bypass the Black Hole Account destination

Hello, Hope you are doing good. I have a question, How can I bypass the black hole account burn navigate back screen in the Xumm wallet app? is there a way to do that? Can I turn off that security check? Thanks.

Payment request feature inquiry

I have a question regarding the payment request feature associated with the provided link. **This is a testnet account** <> I noticed that the link generates a QR code to request a payment of 10 XRP. I am curious to know if it is possible to utilize the payment request feature for requesting tokens instead of XRP. Specifically, I am interested in exploring the feasibility of requesting a payment in tokens using the same mechanism. If such functionality exists or there are alternative methods to request token payments through the platform, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or information you can provide.

XummPostJsonPayload Error

I'm getting: Error code 618, see XUMM Dev Console, reference: '4821176f-3db5-4d91-b8ed-ce190f88164c I cant find any ref to this error?

SignerListSet Payload Error

I'm currently trying to sign a transaction by providing this payload: { "txjson": { "Flags": 0, "TransactionType": "SignerListSet", "Account": "rh5QhvyqTg2QTZdciXkDdEnDmJfuQvmuF7", "Fee": "12", "SignerQuorum": 5, "SignerEntries": [ { "SignerEntry": { "Account": "rPT1Sjq2YGrBMTttX4GZHjKu9dyfzbpAYe", "SignerWeight": 2 } }, { "SignerEntry": { "Account": "rPd9oB2Kdot9HSsXSeFYpKZUV3vDsBzv73", "SignerWeight": 1 } }, { "SignerEntry": { "Account": "rhx2Ru7kb33w8UP2iRCCpVYPdUGyKAdhMZ", "SignerWeight": 2 } } ] } } I'm receiving this error in Logs: Internal error code 1217 Error (detail) message No permission to create this type of sign request. Contact Xumm Support (in-app). I'm able to sign this transaction locally using this exact object without the "txjson". So the problem can't be from the object format. Is there limitations to what type of transactions or fields we can pass as a payload? Thank you, Rambod Rad

How do i create a web app that interacts with a XRP wallet?

Hi, How do i create a web app that interacts with a XRP Wallet? I have been assigned a brief to build a simple one page web app that when a user clicks a button "connect wallet", the page then shows their public key and address? Their private key and other sensitive information is only handled in the backend. These keys cannot be exposed. Can anyone suggest where to start? or perhaps there's a tutorial online somewhere I can follow? Thanks

Payload dispatched_result issue

[{payload_uuid}]( When I sent payload api request, dispatched_result returned empty string at first time. And after send api request again, it's returning 'tesSuccess'. What's the problem? How can I track when signing transaction verified? Hope your answer ASAP. Thanks.

JWT signing algorithm

Hi. I'm trying to implement OAuth2 flow in my project and verify jwt on my API. In documentation said that JWT is signed using HS256 <> but when I debug jwt using it says that algorithm is RS256 { "alg": "RS256", "typ": "JWT" } Is it intentionally or it is a bug? How can I verify this JWT on my backend? Because documentation says that I can verify it using XUMM Api Secret but RS256 is actually asymmetric algorithm. Thanks