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Decoding JWT from XummPkce

I have followed the XummPkce tutorial here . When you call the XUMM state after being signed in, you can access a JWT token. Decoded on , it contains information about the signed payload, the user's wallet, payload etc. What is the intended usage of this? I want to decode it & authenticate this information, so if possible, how can I go about that?

Send a transaction to my smart contract deployed on xaha network ...

So i have my smart contract deployed ....

How to close connection or is it how it meant to work

this is my code i'm using to send a signIn payload. everything works fine. only problem i'm wondering is is it normal to keep it logging "New payload event: { expires_in_seconds: xxxxx}" in console every seconds.
i understand the events logs when its in process of signing in but the problem i have is it keep logging even after everything is done. resolved. i think it sorta build up and logs more and more each time. i create a payload eg. a user tried to generate a qrcode.
so my question is how to close connection after its been resolved or reject.

Telegram Deeplink

Is there such a thing as a deeplink that would return the client back to a Telegram Group after that sign with the Xaman application?

JWT signing algorithm


Xumm SDK, payload with multiple transactions?

Hi, for what I need (a simple payment page, in the browser, no backend needed, no nodejs, pure vanilla js)


Xumm QR Scanning returns opened: true twice

While integrating XUMM with my react app, what I did was created a websocket connection that listens to the events.


dashboard login issue

im not able to login to developers dashboard


Submit Signed Transaction Blob to XRP

I have a Signed Transaction Blob (HEX) after setting options.submit: false