Developer Questions

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SignerListSet Payload Error

I'm currently trying to sign a transaction by providing this payload:

How do i create a web app that interacts with a XRP wallet?

Hi, How do i create a web app that interacts with a XRP Wallet?

JWT signing algorithm


Ecommerce platform integration of Xumm

Our platform is an e commerce platform, think ebay / facebook business's type of app.

Issues getting user_token .....

I am using the server side SDK and i am successfully creating a sign in request and logging in via the always link returned ie

temMALFORMED on "NFTokenMint"

I was minting NFTs from my Shopify app and signing with Xumm without problems until yesterday. Could you please help me? Here the info of the transaction:

Submission process, beta testing, unlisted but public?

Hey Xumm team,


Can the escrow(escrow creator) be customize to connect to a database with multiple wallet address and distribute a certain amount of xrp from another field in that same database?