Get payload details or payload resolve status and result data

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If you configured a Webhook URL in your applications settings (in the xumm Developer Dashboard) some basic information regarding the payload will also be pushed to your configured URL after the user resolves your payload.

Read more about the Payload workflow, or read more about the Webhook & user token in the "Payload status updates" guide.

Meta boolean scenarios

All booleans (see example 200 response) will be returned in all cases. The table below doesn't contain the (for the example) irrelevant values.

Sign request has been resolved by the user by signing the sign request.resolved: true, signed: true

*1: See "Note on signed transactions" (below)
Sign request has been resolved by the user by rejecting the sign request.resolved: true, signed: false
Sign request has been cancelled, user didn't interact.resolved: false, signed: false, cancelled: true, expired: true
Sign request expired, user didn't interact.resolved: false, signed: false, cancelled: false, expired: true
Sign request expired, but user opened before expiration and resolved by signing after expiration.resolved: true, signed: true, expired: true

*1: See "Note on signed transactions" (below)
Sign request cannot be found or belongs to another application (API credentials)Expect an error
Sign Request has been opened (mobile) using a Deeplinkopened_by_deeplink: true

If the payload hasn't been opened on desktop or mobile yet, the value will be null
Sign Request has been opened (mobile) by scanning a QR codeopened_by_deeplink: false

Payload origin and signing

The payload.origintype and payload.signmethod fields can contain the following values:


  • QR




*1 Note on signed transactions

Expect the response object to contain a transaction id and signed blob (no matter if the transaction was submitted to the XRPL by XUMM, based on the payload options.submit value).

Verifying the signature

If a (non-multisigned) transaction has been signed, you can verify the signature and signer (response.hex) in NodeJS (Javascript) with the verify-xrpl-signature package.

Path Params

Payload UUID as received from the Payload POST endpoint.


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