The returned JSON information contains the r-address (account) of the XUMM user. This value is verified, and can only be sent if the XUMM user owns the secret key to the XRPL account.

The returned JSON information contains the r-address (account) of the XUMM user. This value is verified, and can only be sent if the XUMM user owns the secret key to the XRPL account.

The OTT data will contain the selected r-address of the XRPL account managed with XUMM, as well as the selected locale (in XUMM) and other data. When your WebApp relies on eg. browser locale, please note that you'll have to get the locale from the OTT, as the XUMM xApp frame locale will always be default.

The origin field contains contextual information.

  • If the user launched your xApp from a transaction, you'll receive the transaction hash.
  • If triggered from a push notification: the data you added to the xapp/push endpoint.
  • If triggered from a request event: the data added to the event endpoint will be available.

The user field will contain a unique UUID of the XUMM user, this field can be stored to check if eg. the reported OTT account belongs to the known user.

The origin.type field can contain:

  • QR
  • XAPP

The accountaccess field can contain:

  • FULL

The accounttype field can contain:


The style field can contain:

  • DARK


The user_device object contains a limited amount of records providing client device context, allowing your xApp to personalize content like exchange rates, etc.


The style will also be added to your xApp URL using a GET param (query param) xAppStyle so you can render your app in the right style before your backend returns the OTT data.

Check the xApp style guide article for the colour palettes & themed Bootstrap 4.5 stylesheets to use, matching the style.